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Tuesday 2 February 2016

Sound Creation

Before creating the sound I watched the trailer several times to get an idea of where changes in atmosphere occurred, and so I could include changes such as in instrument, texture or key. I then got all my equipment sorted (Garageband and midi keyboard).

  • The beginning of our trailer is meant to be happy with the main character with her friends, so I decided on something bright and fast. On apple loops I found a 12-8 acoustic strum pattern on guitar. I then approximated the section involving these to last for five of the loops, then listened back whilst watching the trailer. Luckily this lasted the exact time so I didn't need to split and delete any of the regions.

  • Now having a start I felt I had some idea of how to tackle the sound. I decided, based on research I had done into soundtracks of social realism films that a key factor in them was a solid drum beat. I don't have much experience into drum sounds, so decided that, again, using a pre existing Apple loop would be the best course of action. 
  • Using the check boxes available I selected that I needed 'beats', I wanted it to sound 'urban' (as I believed it to be appropriate to the genre), and 'electronic'. I tested some of the suggested sounds and decided that 'Altered State Beat 02.2' was the most appropriate choice that went best with our trailer. 
  • I wanted the beat to start when we move from the flashbacks of the balloons to her in the park with her friends, as this created some interest and suggested the trailer was moving forwards 
  • This sound is totally exposed after the photo is taken at the park, moving to the next title - suggesting that something has happened and putting the listener on edge.
  • Another common convention of social realism films is that synth sounds are used. I decided the trailer needed something that wasn't overpowering, but was still detectable and would allow the drum beat to take control. After testing several ideas, such as a take on Bon Ivor's 'Skinny Love' on multiple synth sounds with a slower tempo and using one crotchet instead of a quaver and two semiquavers on the same note, however this was lost and was ineffective as it wasn't recognisable in the short space of time I had in our trailer. 
  • The synth sound I found was in arpeggiator, synth bass, quantum bass, which as a throbbing quality, an effect which I have seen in  several trailers in the social realism genre. This left me able to focus on the melody. I settled on a two note rising and falling pattern, using (an octave below middle C), the B and D, which I recorded off of my midi keyboard. On Garageband I also maximised this effects volume, so although it is low it can still be heard over the drums.  
  • This sound begins at the words 'be one' in the second title, and alludes to the idea that something has gone wrong. It is a much more grounded sound than the previous acoustic strum.
  • To keep the sound moving, at the entrance of the title reading 'A Girl's Internal Struggle' I used a sound that to me evoked the idea of contemplation. It is in the minor key again, and is a synth sound from Apple loops called 'curiosity synth layers'. I aired this on top of the ongoing drum beat and two note synth. This marked a change in the atmosphere of the trailer again as we see what the character goes through (falling to the floor, throwing up, weighing herself), creating a shift in the mood that this is the result of the trolling. This sound carries through till the end of the trailer.
  • A final layer added to the soundtrack begins at the title 'best newcomer'. This is an electric guitar loop called 'Brooklyn lights rhythm guitar'. This addition suggests a very different atmosphere from previously, as we have now lost the two note pattern, and the two newest sounds are the main focus of the music, evoking the idea that its not really fast paced with action, but that it really is affecting the character and making the audience almost see her emotions portrayed by the music. This is helped by the footage as on screen we see her in an eating disorder clinic. 

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