Blog Archive

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Evaluation of Filming - Balloon Reshoot (30/1/16)

Having finished recording the voiceover at my house, I then drove Georgie and myself to Sutton Valence in order to reshoot the balloon scene of the 18 year old. We are reshooting this scene because on reviewing the previous scene, not all the words could be seen on the balloon.

We stopped at Georgie's house to pick up the red balloon and write our chosen word on it in black pen. The word we settled for was 'hate', as this encompassed what the character felt about herself and was short enough to fit on the balloon completely.

On arrival at the field location we encountered a very muddy field. This meant we had to very careful when going over the stile with our filming equipment. Another problem was that it was very sunny, the total opposite of the overcast conditions we had previously filmed in. We tackled this problem by recording whilst the clouds were blocking out some of the sun. We also made sure not too much glare was on the balloon.

When we first did the filming of this shot it was mid November. This meant we had to find where I had stood before, using the camera screen to line up where I was and make sure it was a smooth transition. We settled on the area that we believed to be the same area as previously used. We took one photo to make sure the quality was good and then filmed for a period of about a minute to get us a range of footage to choose from.  

Overall I think that the shoot went well and we now have improved footage from what we did originally.

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