Blog Archive

Wednesday 27 January 2016



The Clip

How I edited the clip

    Adding clip to timeline
  •  To start with I opened up a new project in Final Cut Pro so I could focus on the clip and check the individual quality of it before adding it into the main storyline.

  • Once the footage was imported into Final Cut Pro, I dragged it and dropped it onto the timeline so I could begin to edit it.

  • To start with I played the whole clip so I could see where I would most likely crop it before making the final changes to the clip.

    Detaching the audio
  •  After playing the footage a couple of times, I detached the audio by right clicking on it and selecting the 'detach audio' option in the menu that appeared.

  • This then appeared below the footage in a green audio section which I then deleted so that when the music for our piece was added to the main project, then there wouldn't be any background noise to the piece.

  • As the footage was too long, I then proceeded to cut it down to 2 seconds long so that it would fit into it's allotted space. 
  • Detached audio
  •  I did this by going to the small arrow button at the end of the first section of buttons in the light grey strip above the timeline and selecting the blade option.

  • Using the blade tool, I cut the footage into three sections, the middle section being the one I wanted to keep and the two outer sections being the footage that I wanted to delete.

    Blade tool
  • After deleting the excess footage from the timeline and the black space they left behind, I then played the clip again to make sure I had cut it down to the size I wanted and to make sure it showed the best part of the footage I had filmed at home.

  •  As the footage had some space at the beginning of it that I didn't want as it showed a pause before the playing of the clip, I then hovered over the start of the footage until it turned into a yellow bracket round of the start of the footage.

  • When it turned yellow, I clicked and dragged it inwards to remove the footage that needed to be deleted and then I rechecked the shot.

    The clip split up into the three sections
  • I watched the footage several times and dragged in the yellow line from either end of the footage to remove the unwanted parts until I was completely satisfied with the length and quality of the clip.

  • After I had finished editing, I then went to 'File' and then clicked onto 'Share' and saved the footage as a Master File (default) to check the quality once more before sending it to the other members in the group.

    Deleting the excess footage
  • From there, we saved the footage and added it onto the right account for Final Cut Pro to add it into the main timeline for our teaser trailer.

 The Final piece

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