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Tuesday 8 September 2015

Moral Panics in the Media: Heatwave

Why is this still portrayed in the media?

  • This is still portrayed in the media due to the large knock on effect it could have on the lives and health of many people around Britain.
  • This was the hottest summer was over 40 years ago so this was a huge event for Britain yet it was made overly dramatic by stating that several people had been taken into hospital because of heat stroke.
  • The media targeted the rare cases of heat stroke and blew them up to make the situation worse. They did this to show how unprepared Britain is to deal with 'extreme' weather conditions and this led to boasted market sales.
  • The market sales were on ice cream, sun cream, cold drinks and paddling pools but through the media they spawned a whole new unnecessary market of products to help cope with the heat wave.
  • As things such as dog suncream and sun hats for cats and dogs were marketed to help combat the heat wave, this created a cycle in which any behaviour such as abnormal purchases or heat stroke cases caused the media to keep publicising the heatwave and this in turn got them to purchase more of those items etc etc.

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