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Tuesday 8 September 2015

Moral Panics in the Media: Immigration: Why is the panic caused?

Why is this still portrayed in the Media?

  • This is still shown in the Media due to this being a current news story and due to the large impact it had on Britain and its roads as no one could get into or out of Britain or France due to the immigrants protesting and doing dangerous things to get over the Channel through the tunnel
  • This also affects millions of people regardless of whether or not they are the ones migrating into the country legally or illegally or if they are the people that already live in the country
  • Britain is one of the most affected countries in Europe and continues to be with all the new Syrian Refugees coming into the country and the new allowance of 20,000 more migrants and asylum seekers into the country as set out in a new policy by David Cameron (September 2015)  
  • The media overly publicise this in such a negative light due to them only showing the negatives of the situation such as more houses being built to accommodate them, them being given benefits and not working and how the immigrants get into the country
  • This is also portrayed in the media due to the 'racist' attitudes that can be seen through some areas of Britain.  The media uses this as prime examples of the 'bad' influence they have on our country and the economy to fuel the racist attitudes and anti-immigration attitudes.

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