Blog Archive

Thursday 4 February 2016

Website editing after audience assessment

After getting the audience of our film to assess our website, we were given some corrections that we could make so, for them, it would be more conventional and what they want to see in a website for a new film, as part of a promotional package. 

First of all, the boxes at the bottom of the website were too big, and they didn't seem conventional for a film website. So, to correct this, I took out the boxes, but kept the text, then added arrows next to the text. I then linked these arrows with the Blog and Charities pages so these could act as buttons. 

We were also told that on a different computer, the social networking icons weren't visible, so to correct this, I moved the typography and the menu down so then I could put the these social networking links at the very top of the page.

We were then told that the boxes on the right hand side, including the Cannes film festival and our production companies were not conventional. To change this, I deleted the boxes and then made the three images black and white and deleted the background. I then moved these to be near the other parts of the text. Editing them to be black and white made them merge in more with the website's theme and they didn't stand out too much.

I was also told that the reviews were too big and so were the reviews' stars as they took up too much space for the website when seen on a different computer. Because of this, I made these smaller and moved them closer together. This also made it look like there was a lot less writing then there was because the text is very small.

Here is what the finished website now looks like:

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