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Monday 28 December 2015

Sound in Suffragette Trailer

  • Until 00:29 the main sound used is diegetic dialogue, this is made up mainly of women shouting 'votes for women', immediately portraying what the film will be about
  • At 00:29 we hear a bass beat which is fast paced, suggesting an idea of worry and moving the trailer forwards
  • Each time a new idea is put into the trailer, such as the suggestion to go to a meeting for the suffragettes at 00:39, we hear a singular sweeping synth sound, marking each new idea
  • At 00:54 the texture is decorated with crescendoing and and diminuendoing layered synth sounds
  • After the fight scene there is a single drum beat at 1:01 and the music changes completely. It is now made of string instruments, suggesting calmness. This however rolls into a minor chord and is gradually layered over by synth sounds as we see those against women vote and give their opinions that those fighting for the vote should be punished
  • At 1:24 the use of a bell like sound breaks the wall of the fighting that we see and introduces a new title saying 'inspired by real events'
  • Now we simply hear a pedal note which 'rolls' around the music, and at 1:31 we hear a female vocalist which is unaccompanied and uses a slight echo effect
  • Finally at 2:18 when the title of the film comes up we hear individual piano notes which rise and fall, layered with the pre existing vocals  

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