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Saturday 2 January 2016

Final Scene Poster Inspiration

In this post, I am using pre existing photographs found on google to gain inspiration for the poster I had to create as a prop for our final scene.

I found a variety of images, all of which were hard hitting and clearly portrayed eating disorders. I found that the images all had common traits, such as the use of black and white which not only expresses a depressing and melancholic tone, but also creates a real life representation of how people with eating disorders feel.

One thing I found the pictures all had in common was that they were in black and white. This reflects the tone of the photograph and creates an atmosphere we might want to consider for our own. Also, a large majority of the photographs included measuring tape.

In this first image, the measuring tape is wrapped around the ankles which are standing on scales. The tape being wrapped around her ankles signifies how she is confined by her need to be skinny, and by society's perception of what it means to be 'pretty'. The use of an extreme close up shows anonymity that creates an enigma, and so is something we could also consider for the posters in the ending scene at the eating disorder clinic, as this anonymity emphasised the relatable tone of the poster, and shows that the depicted person to be representative of a group of people, rather than just his/herself.

The next image is a close up that again uses anonymity as it is positioned below the face. The mise-en-scene within the shot of a fork, knife and plate connotes eating disorders and is something we may want to consider within one of our own shots, and the use of the measuring tape as 'food' is symbolic of the hunger and need for these young girls to be skinny and to be accepted by society and its ideals. This mise-en-scene could also be useful in one of the posters for our final scene, as it subtly suggests the topic being discussed.

This last image shows a young girl standing in front of the mirror and looking at her reflection. This could be something we could consider for our own posters, as we could use Photoshop to manipulate the image in the reflection to inaccurately reflect the girl standing in front of it, so as to illustrate the protagonist's warped perceptions of herself. However, this could prove to be difficult as we would have to ensure that the shot was taken at such an angle that the camera would not also be seen in the mirror.

These images have aided us in the decision on the image for our poster. We liked the anonymity used in the images to show how the protagonist represents young girls everywhere, and so we have decided that we will manipulate it so that the majority of the posters used do not depict a face. Also, the posters may be in black and white to reflect the mood/tone of the film. However, upon reflection, we believe these images may not be entirely suitable for the location of our final scene, as it will be filmed in an 'eating disorder clinic', and so our posters should aim to be bright and positive and to suggest recovery. However, I will use these photos as inspiration for the poster I make, though I will manipulate it to be positive.

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