Blog Archive

Monday 8 February 2016

Poster editing after audience feedback

After having some audience feedback, we were given some points that we needed to change about our film poster, and so I chose to edit these points.

For the names of the actors involved in the film, instead of the names, along with the actors last names, being on one line, I separated the actors' last names and their first names and then put their last names on a new line underneath. This uses up a bit more space where the top half of our poster seemed too empty. It also uses a convention of posters and more often then not, this is how their actor's names are shown if they are included on the top of the poster like this. 

I then changed the review that is in the middle portion of our poster. I took out the star rating, which is something that came up in our audience feedback, as the stars crowded the review too much because the review is quite long already. I also changed the reviewer as Andrea Arnold reviewing our film has more sustenance as the film directed by her, Fish Tank, influenced us a great deal, along with the fact she is a director in the genre of our film. 

I also edited the tagline of the film, I thought that it would tie in nicely if the "dying" would be in the same colour as the "Me" in our typography for the title. I tried this, however the colour got lost in the background. I then gave the text of the tagline a border, going to the 'fx' tab, once I had selected the right layer. I then used the "strokes" option, and the setting was already at 3, but I thought that the text then looked too bold, so I changed this down to 1. This helped to make the "dying" more visible. 

I think that these small changes have improved our poster a lot and has made it more conventional, which is what we were aiming for. 

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