Blog Archive

Monday 1 February 2016

Editing: Splitscreen

After receiving audience feedback, one of the main concerns was that the Facebook scene was too fast and was difficult to read. The social media is an important aspect of our trailer, and so it was essential that this shot could be clearly read, and so I decided to edit it to make it readable for the audience. To do this, I created a split screen on Final Cut Pro.

In order to accomplish this, I firstly had to find the original clip of the Facebook scene, and drag it down above the trailer so that it was now seen over the other scenes.
From this, I was then able to crop the clip to the specific part I wanted; the scene where two comments appear. I chose this as it emulates realtime and is a major aspect of Facebook, and so will make the audience feel as though they are on Facebook, and so they will feel more involved in the film as the trolling will seem personal, evoking empathy.

I then selected the original clip and cropped the shot so that all that could be seen on the screen was the photograph of Ellie, which I manipulated using 'transformation' so that it fit half of the screen, therefore making up half of the split-screen.
After this was done, I selected the second clip, on top of the previous shot, and cropped this to show the comments. This was trickier, due to the new comments appearing, and so I had to ensure that I cropped it large enough for both of the comments to appear and for both to be able to be seen.

I then used 'transformation' to manipulate this to fit the second half of the screen, ensuring there were no gaps so that the two shots could be seen side by side in a larger image, and so the audience could now read the comments as they appeared.

To improve this, I could have possibly zoomed out more on the photograph of Ellie so as to make it seem less stretched. Transforming the shots proved slightly difficult, as trying to change the size of the shot often made it become flipped or upside down, and so it had to be changed back, and it was difficult to measure the exact dimensions to ensure that the entire screen was filled, and so I could have measured the dimensions using a scale to make both shots the same size.
However, further audience feedback revealed that this shot was now much easier to read and follow, and added an important aspect to the film as it highlighted the destructive role of social media.

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