Blog Archive

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Website background design

For our website background, we wanted it to show different images of the perfect body that our character would aspire to look like. We wanted the background to also change the images into more distressing images like people who are too skinny, to show the character's journey into becoming obsessed with being skinny. 

We thought that it would be better for the images to appear on a social media, like Pinterest as this would incorporate the idea of body shaming across the internet, like how the character is bullied on Facebook in our trailer. However, I didn't want us to just print screen Pinterest, so I created pages to look similar to Pinterest. 

For this, I edited the pages on different slides of Powerpoint, this is because its a simple program to use, and I knew that it had all the tools I needed to make it work. 

I made the background an off white colour to mimic Pinterest's background. I then added different sizes of the squares with rounded edges and then softened the edges to make it look more like Pinterest. I then started to add different images of 'perfect' bodies from the internet and added a white box at the bottom for room to write descriptions of images and headings for entries like Pinterest, for example "5 easy tips to slim down". 

Once I had added all the images in, I then added comments about them and created the heart button that is seen on Pinterest. 

This is one of the finished slides, I added different pictures of people's perception of beauty to a somewhat extreme extent, like bones showing through skin. With the images that are extreme I have changed the comments and who they have been posted by, to show that the character's idea of the perfect body has changed and that she feels this is her inspiration.

I have saved the slides, each time I have changed one of the boxes from the 'Perfect body' to the 'Skinny body' images, and I have saved them as a JPEG. I then imported all of these JPEG's into Final Cut Pro.

I then put in each of the images in order to make sure that the video would continue properly for the desired effect.

After cropping the images' duration, the page continues to change from more 'comfortable' body image representations to more extreme representations, showing the characters change of aspiration. 

In conclusion, the background works really well, the only problem would be that if this is chosen by the rest of the group to be the background of our website, the writing of the comments from the background could distract from the writing that would be on the website. This could be fixed by making the background more transparent and is something that we would have to look into, whether we can do this on Final Cut Pro, or our website design site that we are using, Wix.

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