Blog Archive

Sunday 4 October 2015

Pro's and Con's of Body Shaming Idea

In making the decision of which trailer idea to use, a list of pro's and con's of each idea were created. As the body shaming idea was mine I did a summary of it as follows:

  • Creates awareness of an issue that many people face on a regular basis
  • A strong plot line could be made, from which trailer ideas could be based
  • Location wise it would be good as many locations could fit
  • A wide range of camera angles could be used
  • All areas such as editing, photoshop and sound would play a major factor
  • The main actor would have to be comfortable in what could be seen as an uncomfortable situation to fill, with many intimate shots
  • During the creation of the ideas we would have to be careful not to offend anyone as the idea could be misread in ways that could send out the wrong message
  • Research into the idea could be difficult as it isn't an idea which many films have had as a main focus, rather as an extra them

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