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Thursday 24 September 2015

Special Effects for use in Films

It is important to make sure that we have detailed mise-en-scene in our trailer, especially because we have decided that we would like to produce a drama. This is because the different mise-en-scene would depict different narratives, for example, if there is a cut on the character's face in a trailer an enigma would be created as to how they got those cuts. 

For this special effect, we would need some Derma Wax which is around £10 online. We would also need some fake blood, so we wouldn't need alot of equipment. This cut has a good effect and looks very realistic. We could use this in many different ways, on the face, hand (like in the video), legs and torso, so it is a good special effect to learn because we can use it in many different ways. 

For this special effect we would need Rigid Collodion, Liquid Latex and some fake blood, which is all around £5 each online. This special effect also looks very realistic, however it is material heavy and we would have to buy quite a lot of items to accomplish this look, So we would have to think about whether the special effect would be worth it in our film to spend £15 which we would only be able to use on a character's lip and we would only be able to use on one character otherwise it would look over the top and too consistent if we used it on over half of the characters.

For this special effect, it really doesn't need that much equipment that we would have to buy, it only needs a red biro, a red ink pen, a glue stick and some brown eyeshadows. However, the lack of specialist equipment needed really does take an effect on making the cuts realistic. We would have to think whether we would want the overall effect of the cuts to be less realistic for the expenses of the materials.

In conclusion, after watching these special effects make up tutorials, I think that different details like these cuts, would be a good idea to use to make our narrative and character have depth. However, we would have to weigh up the expenses of the special effect and determine whether a cut would be worth the money on the materials. However, these special effects may not fit in with every genre and may not fit the genre that we will eventually pick for our teaser trailer, but the research has been interesting and would be something easily created if need be. 

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