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Thursday 24 September 2015

Practical task: Special Effects Bruises

I decided to produce a practical task to understand how to recreate bruises without any professional special effects equipment. After a group meeting, we have decided that we would go more down the 'drama' or 'urban drama' route and therefore bruises would help us portray different characters in different ways. 

  •  I thought that a black eye could be a helpful mise-en-scene to use in our film and so to start, I drew three short lines around the eye with red lipstick, the three lines being between her nose and eye, the right hand side of the eyebrow and at the bottom the eye, after adding prima to the eye area so the red wouldn't stain her face. 
  • Then with a blending brush, I blended the lines of lipstick together to blend the lipstick more with her skin, so that the lines of red wouldn't be raw. 

  •  Just under the eye had to be darker then the rest to show that this area would be sore from the bruise as it is a more sensitive place. 
  • I then blended this part, however I didn't blend it as much as the outlines because this area needed to be a brighter red.

  • Around the eye, I added some blue eye shadow to show the different shades that are generally in a bruise.

  •  I then blended in these areas too. This made different parts of the 'bruise' darker and more believable. 

  • I then added yellow eyeshadow because a bruise has different colours in them including yellow. 

  • After finishing the black eye, I started on a bruise on the back of a hand. 
  • To start, I added rough lines of red lipstick again. 

  •  I then blended the red lipstick in and added some purple and brown eye shadow and blended these in too.

  •  I then added blue eyeshadow on the knuckles and on the bruise and I then blended these in too.

  • I then added the yellow eyeshadow again around the knuckles and in the middle of the 'bruise'.
In conclusion, I think that this task was very useful because it has given me the knowledge to recreate these bruises on our actors for our film and would give details of miss-en-scene. 

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