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Sunday 17 January 2016

Review Creations

For our film poster, it was decided that I will be the one to create the film reviews. In order to do this, I looked at existing posters and websites and the reviews they have written on them.

 This poster uses one word reviews, consisting of adjectives that paint the film in a very positive light. This compliments their poster well as the large image takes up most of the screen, and the reviews are simple, but make large statements and are to the point. However, as there will be a large amount of blank space on our poster, I do not think we will take inspiration from this poster as such, though the adjectives themselves could be used a larger review option. The reviews for this poster were from Time Out, a free urban magazine with an intended male target audience, which suggests that their target audience is males, and so we could mimic this to appeal to a female audience.

I took a slight inspiration from this and created the review "Visually stunning, a cinematic masterpiece" - I manipulated the adjective 'stunning' to compliment the editing style and the cinematography used in the film, as cinematographies are an important aspect that can aid in the success of the film.

This poster uses star reviews, which we could take inspiration, as this is a simple stylistic techniques that immediately conveys the sense that the film is approved of. Also, it features short reviews, such as "funny, profound and moving" and "Jarvis and Fassbender are outstanding". I will take inspiration from both of these reviews, as the latter praises the actors in the film, and the forming suggests the genre as it reveals a complexity of plot.
Therefore, I have created the review "A tragically accurate portrayal of today's society, and what a gem Bartram is!" The use of "tragically" suggests the tone of the film, and the review reveals the genre. 

This poster only uses one review that reveals the genre, as it states that it is a coming-of-age film, which establishes the target audience as young adults. The use of the intensifier 'best' emphasises the quality at which they are rating the film, and would appeal to a wide audience range.
Taking inspiration from this, I have created the review "One of the most inspiring films I have ever seen - I will definitely be recommending this to everyone I know!" Rather than 'best', I used the intensifier 'most', and I coupled this with "one of" similar to the review in the above poster because although you wish to praise your film, you do not want to come across as arrogant, because this may not appeal to viewers. Also, I included the exclamative as this implies that the person liked the film so much that they believe others will enjoy it too. I chose 'inspiring' as that is the main aim of our film - to inspire others into actively seeking a way to combat eating disorders.

Kidulthood also uses a star rating as well as an actual review. In the review, rule of thirds is used to add emphasis, and the imagery in the metaphor is in the semantic field of violence, and so relates well to the plot and genre of the film. Therefore, for our own reviews, I will consider using language that connotes our topic and genre so as to appeal to the target audience.

In addition to those aforementioned, I have also created the following reviews:
"Heart achingly raw, this is one of those films that stay with you for the rest of your life"
"Powerful and moving, this tackles the prominent issues of society in a beautiful way."
"The depth of feeling manifested in Ellie Bartram's acting is truly amazing."
"An emotional rollercoaster - one I won't be forgetting any time soon! Watson has artfully portrayed the harsh reality of society today, and every young girl should watch this film"

In these reviews I have complimented the main actor and the director, and in each I have implied the genre of the film through my choice of language. Exclamatory sentences are used to created emphasis and to make the reviews more emotive, and the reviews also target the directed audience by referring to them directly.

This deconstruction aided in my creation of the reviews for the website and poster. We have decided that, similar to Fishtanks, we will include star ratings, but only on the reviews on our website, and, as convention generally dictates, we will only have one review on the poster, as the aim of the poster is to appeal to the target audience and provide information, and we believe that too many reviews will take up too much of our poster and could distract from the main image.

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