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Thursday 3 December 2015

Typography Research

The typography for the title for the film is very important because the typography in itself can give hints into genre and narrative. Because this is very important, it should be given a lot of research in order to have the right typography for our own film. 

These are the typographies for professional films:

Handwriting style typography:

'Blue is the warmest color': 
  • A social realist film
  • Looks as though it is hand written with a marker pen
  • The two different colours link with the title of the film.
  • The idea that it is hand written makes it seem that the main character wrote the title, that it truly is them documenting about their life. 


  • social realist film/drama
  • This looks like it has been written with crayon or chalk.
  • It seems to be written in child-like handwriting, which also links to the title.
  • Again, the handwriting makes the film seem more personal to the character. 

'The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants':
  • Drama film
  • The typography is nicely integrated here, the typography is paced like it is embroidered into the jean's pocket.
  • However, the typography still looks like is has been handwritten, the different sized letters make it seem more realistic, but if we were going to use this style in our typography, we would have to be careful as this is also a convention of horror film typographies.

'The Fault in our Stars':
  • Drama film
  • Alike 'Blue is the warmest color', the typography varies in colour, which I think is something that we could definitely experiment with.
  • the different colours highlight the words in blue and making them more prominent. 
  • The typography is shown to be written in something similar to chalk. The different texture makes the typography seem more realistic. 

Handwriting fonts online for inspiration:

We have come up with a title for our film that we may use, we may use 'Eatin' Me Up' or 'Eating Me Up', however this would be a decision finalised at a later date. I have used this title idea to see what it would look like with the different fonts I have found online. 

  • These two typographies are my favourite that I have found in handwriting style
  • For the first image, each letter is a different height, which gives it more character and along with the title, could show the character's stress and imperfections because each letter isn't perfect.
  • In the second image, the typography looks like it has been written with a marker, which I think is interesting how you can distinguish what the title has been 'written' with. It would be interesting to add these sorts of detail into our own typography.

Other types of typographies:

  • The typography is quite plain and simple
  • I think that the contrast from the orange background is interesting and is something that we could use in our typography. This would make the typography stand out a lot more.

'Fish Tank' and 'The Selfish Giant':

  • These two typographies are quite similar
  • With both of these typographies they are slightly transparent and you can see the background behind the title. 
  • Both of the typographies are muted, happy, calming colours.
  • We could use the idea of colours and how the colours could make the audience feel in our typography.

In conclusion, this research has been very informative into what the typographies of different films within our overlapping genres have and how we could use this in our own ideas for a typography. The next stage for our typography would be to draft our own ideas. 

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