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Tuesday 10 November 2015

Target Audience Survey

In order to conduct some market research into our target audience, I have decided to create a short survey on, which will investigate into the demographics of the audience and will tell us the audience needs, so that our trailer can be as appealing as possible.

I have decided to direct this questionnaire to thirty individuals, as our target audience is very niche. However, I will include some people who fall outside of our directed audience so that we are aware of all of the possibilities, and to gain more information.

The ten questions I will include are;

What is your age? This is a standard question that reveals the basic demographic of our target audience. We aim for our trailer to appeal to teenagers, mostly aged 15-20, as this is our directed audience. People within this age group will have differing interests to those who are perhaps older (e.g. are aged 30-40), or who are younger (5-14), and so I will include a few participants from these age groups to create a broader spectrum, and to also become more aware of what not to include.This will also allow us to identify our age rating.

What is your gender? This is also a standard question to reveal demographics. Stereotypically, males and females differ in their interests. Often, in the media, it is conventional for males to be presented as being interested in violence and action, whereas society expects females to be more interested in aesthetics and romance. We will use this question in order to determine the gender of the protagonist, as male audiences conventionally prefer and male protagonist, and female audiences prefer a female protagonist.

What gender do you prefer the main character in a film to be? Although, as aforementioned, it is conventionally thought that males and females have differing interests which affects what the gender of the protagonist should be, I chose to include this question as I am aware that different people have different interests, and that to assume would be a disadvantage for our film, as it may end up going against what the audience would like to see. I will include male, female and other, as in modern day society there are certain beliefs on gender that we must account for in order to get an accurate representation of our target audience.

How often do you watch social realist films? This question is more specific, as it directly addresses our chosen genre. The results of this question could be scrutinised to suggest how large or niche our target audience is, and will also tell us if our target audience are more or less likely to watch films of this genre. For this question, I will include examples of films in this genre so that the audience are aware of the genre we are referring to.

What do you like about social realist films? This is a broad question, and focuses on the opinions of our directed audience. The results will tell us the aspects of this genre that they enjoy, and so we will include more of these aspects to ensure our trailer appeals to the target audience.

What do you dislike about social realist films? This works to counter the previous question, and will reveal the aspects we should perhaps avoid, or should endeavour to prevent, for our trailer.

At what time do you prefer a social realist film to be set in? This is a very basic question which is once again specific to genre. It will reveal the timing and lighting in which we should aim to film our trailer.

What setting do you prefer a social realist film to be set in? This is again a very basic question and is similar to the previous, as this too will determine the timing of filming, but also the location. The results will reveal the conventional settings for films in this genre.

What social media do you use? This is the last question and is very important, as we plan for social media to be a large aspect of our film trailer. Not only will this tell us the social media our target audience use, but it will also illustrate the social media we should aim to include within our trailer, and will even affect our website.

I have endeavoured to ensure that I have not included any closed questions, as these are restrictive and do not offer a true representation of our directed audience as they limit the responses. For those which are selection questions, I will include several categories that cover the entire spectrum so that it is not impossible to answer, as no possible answer will be missed out, and the categories, such as for age, will not overlap with one another in order to avoid confusion.

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