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Thursday 12 November 2015

Calorie Journal Practical

As we have decided that our film will focus on the moral panic of body image and how the media negatively affects it, I have chosen to create a possible prop for the mies-en-scene, namely a calorie journal.
In various films which feature body image as a main issue, one way in which film creators portray the protagonist's struggle with their weight is through using a calorie journal. This is a journal in which a person keeps track of the calories they have consumed each day, so as to minimise this total amount and to keep track of what they are eating.

For this practical task, I began with a simple, unassuming, black A5 diary, which can be easily purchased at multiple stores for a reasonable price.
I chose black as this is stereotypically considered as a gender neutral colour and so would appeal to both females and males, but is also conventionally used to symbolise disequilibrium as this colour connotes negativity. Hence, I believed that this would be a suitable colour to use as it reflects the inner turmoil of the protagonist, and so portrays the tone of the film well.

Then, inside the a5 diary I created a table titled "Food and Calorie Log" with six categories, one for dinner, one for lunch, and one for breakfast/snacks, each with their own corresponding 'calories' column. This shows a clear, logical database in which the protagonist can keep track of the food and calories they consume each day. By having a calorie journal, this shows that it is something the protagonist is conscientious of, and wishes to control.
After this I continued to fill out the first day, which I thought should be fairly unhealthy and consist of a larger sum of calories so as to contrast the last readings. Each food item listed had an approximately accurate amount of calories listed, although it will vary for portion sizes.

Following this, I then went on to fill out the food items for the next day, this time adding a few more healthier foods that altogether brought down the calorie total so as to illustrate how the protagonist is making healthier eating choices and is making a conscientious effort to change her eating habits.

Finally, I finished the table to show that by the last day her total food and calorie intake was drastically less than the initial one, hence emphasising the contrast between the two and demonstrating the sharp decline in her health due to a drastic change in eating habits. By the last day the intake more than halves, and so the audience are able to perceive the desperation of the situation and just how quickly it has changed.

I decided to only fill out one page due to the face that if we decide to use the diary as mise-en-scene it will only very briefly be shown during the trailer.
However, we have chosen not to feature this particular prop in our film trailer as it is not essential and  so does not need to be in it. Also, in the future, if I completed this practical task again I might perhaps choose a more conventionally feminine diary so as to appeal to the target audience more clearly, and I might manually alter the diary so as to make it more authentic and fit into the film more appropriately.

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