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Saturday 31 October 2015

Deconstruction of Kidulthood Trailer

  • In the trailer the editing is fast paced to begin with. This suggests fear and panic.
  • Coupled with this, the fear is also generated by what we see in these shots. We can see close ups of cigarettes being smoked, shoplifting, violence and guns
  • The soundtrack also generates an idea of panic as there is a fast descending tempo within the beat
  • The music seen at 00:20 is rap, alluding to the urban roots that the film is set in, as rap is very much associated to this environment.
  • At 00:24 we see a series of close up shots of girls smoking. This could have the shock effect on an audience as it is quite unexpected as they have been medium shots up until that point
  • Much of the sound track used throughout is overshadowed by the diegetic dialogue. Much of this is in reference to things such as smoking, drugs, guns and sex, and expletives are used frequently throughout
  • At 1:52 when we see the title 'Before Adulthood', the sound does change and slows down in tempo, we've also now lost the rapping accompanying it, letting us focus much more on what is on the screen. 

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