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Monday 7 September 2015

Social Context Study: Creating Storylines: Immigration

Possible film idea 2:

The Fear of Immigration

Set a few years into the future, all immigration is coming to Britain with the Isle of Wright being the first port of call for people to go to if they want to migrate.  At this point, there is no countryside or space for any more people and as Britain has become a huge concrete jungle.  The houses are packed so tightly together that prices are high so people can’t afford even a room of a house and food and oil prices have gone up higher to accommodate such a huge population.  Crime rates go up as the illegal immigrants bring in a whole new gang culture making residents scared as their resources are stolen from them.  Everyone is on rations and those who go over it commit crimes punishable by death due to such a large global population.

After a while, the government funding in the form of grants, loans and benefits stops and all government services are stopped to try and conserve money and to reduce the loan from neighbouring countries.  No other country is willing to help so essentially Britain is all on its own.  Fights break out and a series of thefts from stores for technology and food happen as essential trading tools as means of survival.  This means that large sections of the population start to get sick and hungry so they target all the higher paid jobs and the posh/ celebrity houses for trading and personal wealth bonuses.

It would follow a story of different people from different backgrounds as they tried to survive in the ‘NEW’ Britain where immigration and the laws are no longer controlled, making the world a dangerous and violent place. 

Further Development of the fear of Immigration:

Explicit examples from the Media:

The link goes to Sky news and shows the images of a child aged 3 being pulled from the water after being found dead in his attempt to cross the sea to safety from civil war in Syria.  The article goes on to describe how David Cameron feels about this but also suggests that Britain should do more in order to help these people.  This is an idea I wanted to explore as it suggests that Britain doesn’t do enough yet we take in large numbers of asylum seekers, immigrants and illegal immigrants in who all travel across Europe.  The article also divulges into political parties opinions of each other’s and the words they speak are used as political propaganda.  However being as it is a child that has been found, it highlights the dangers for all immigrants and shows the lengths that they will go to in order to ensure themselves a better life alongside their family.

This link goes to the Telegraph website to an article about the dangers of immigrants and their new ways of trying to get across the border into England.  This would enhance the fear of Immigrants due to their new inventive ways to get across the border which puts people in danger as they could be targeted to aid an illegal act.  Again this plays on the fear and angers people and this causes an increase in drastic measures to try and stop this from happening.  When accompanied with other articles and news reports from the time the article was published in 2014 to now, it shows how the evolution of the illegal immigration crisis has affected so many people but also reveals how desperate people are becoming to resolve the crisis and to stop it all together.

Deconstructions of influences:

The Purge Anarchy (2014)

The Purge Anarchy trailer highlights the panic and fear that a situation like my film idea for immigration would cause.  The idea that we could come to this point in the future through lack of government initiative or by people taking things into their own hands is highlighted in the trailer through the acts they commit but also through the constant pressure and fear on people to keep each other safe in the period that the Purge takes place in.  Furthermore, the trailer also highlights a futuristic world in which the worst happens. As a source of inspiration, this was something key to focus on as it presents an alternative reality to what may happen and further harnesses the fear and directs it towards the outcome of a lawless world.  

The ideas represented within the trailer are also confirmed by the fears of people with whom I spoke to as they believe that this could become a similar reality due to the masses of people taking refuge in the UK to start a better life.  The violence represented within the Purge also conformed to the people’s biggest fears that the immigrants wouldn’t listen to what the laws and acceptable behaviour in the UK would be and that they would take it upon themselves to fight for what they believed they were entitled too.

Maggie (2015)

‘Dad, you’ve protected me all my life.  Now it’s my turn to protect you.  There is life with you, not me.  Don’t come looking for me… I’m safe… I’m fine’

This is the words spoken as a voice over during the trailer of Maggie 2015.  This was a big source of inspiration for my storyline due to the words summing up what kind of world I wanted it to take place in e.g. the type of world in which the children have to take it upon themselves to save their parents.  The words also sum up how one of the stories of the people within my idea would be feeling as they would have gone to any lengths to survive like the people depicted in the trailer would do. 

The characters within the trailer also depict the type of people that would be in the ‘NEW’ Britain within my idea.  The Arnold Swcharzenegger character within the film is key as he would do anything to save his daughter from her fate, and that is something the storyline I wrote would replicate.

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