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Sunday 20 September 2015

Investigation into Foley

What is Foley?
It is the addition of recorded sound effects after the shooting of a film

Why is it Used?
The addition of foley adds aural depth to the film, post production. Whereas direct sound recording on site of the filming can be used, for added emphasis on the sounds, foley is effective. This can be on sounds such as footsteps, hitting/punches and glass breaking

What's the Difference Between Foley, Sound Effects and Music?
Foley is a recreation of diegetic sounds which were already recorded during shooting, however have been recreated so they are more audible and emphasised for effect. Sound effects are created completely post production and can be diegetic or non diegetic - normally added for emphasis and generally used in the comedy or horror genre. Music is added for non diegetic purposes and is used to reflect the mood of the scene, for example fast paced music could induce a sense of panic whereas slower music could make a scene appear calm

Gary Hecker
Is one of the most famous foley artist's, having worked on approximately 300 films since 1973, his first being 'The Exorcist' and his most recent being 'Warcraft' due to be released in 2016.

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