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Friday 4 September 2015

Evolution of a Horror Sub-Genre: Vampires 1920-1971


1922à Nosferatu

An estate agent goes to sell the house to Count Orlok but instead the Count goes to the estate agents home and brings the Plague with him, killing many in the town.  The estate agent’s wife is contemplating whether or not to commit self-sacrifice to save the village… Can her husband stop them both in time?

It is based off Bram Stoker’s Dracula and the narrative is relatively the same.  However it is unique in the fact that it is a silent film and the first recorded vampire film.  Using the famous storyline as a basis, the film doesn’t follow Bram Stoker’s book completely as they use the idea of an innocent woman sacrificing herself to stop the vampire instead of the traditional methods of beheading the vampire then stuffing their mouths full of garlic.  The vampire itself is grotesquely made up with long fingernails and out of proportional body parts, completely different to previous written interpretations of vampires who are human in appearance.

In the 1920s it was the start of Prohibition and this led to violence on each side.  This could be influenced by the idea of Prohibition that people were essentially coming down with a disease by not having an alcohol or the fact that the vampire might reflect what alcohol was doing to people by creating a disease of alcoholism.  Also being the 1920s, the film would be silent as voiced movies weren’t invented then.  This reflects on the kind of technology they had but also the difference between the 20’s and 30’s in terms of cinematic performances.

1931à Dracula

Dracula turns the estate agent into his ‘Renfield’ (his follower and servant) and travels to England on a ship but kills all the crew.  When he is assure he kills a woman and turns her into a vampire and desires after Mina.  Mina starts to suffer with turning into a vampire and Dr Van Helsing is called to try and cure her.  Mina’s fiancé and Van Helsing put measures into place to keep Mina from becoming the undead.

The storyline was taken from the Play ‘Dracula’ rather than Bram Stoker’s book resulting in a comedic and theatrical performance due to the dramatic nature of the play.  This was the first movie in which people spoke so the overly dramatic portrayal is reasonable due to the director and actor’s not sure of how to portray this.  This was the first time Dracula was portrayed as a seducer rather than a feral and violent being.  It also created the theme of typical horror movies through the use of fog, and castles that are practically ruins that have been commonly used throughout the horror genre. 

The idea of three wives would been particularly shocking for audiences at that time due to the idea of a completely faithful marriage and the ideals that went along side that such as only children inside marriage and no cheating.  This would have challenged everything the audiences knew and would cause them to consider whether or not what they know to be right is actually right or if the movie proposed a completely outrageous disrespect for the laws and customs of the land.  This is because the law and many religions only permitted one wife in western cultures and to the everyday person, the idea of having more than one wife was wrong, immoral or even considered a barbaric act, essentially still portraying Dracula as a man without any morals and as a barbaric, dangerous being.

1963à Kiss of a Vampire

A couple’s car breaks down and they are forced to spend the night in an inn.  They receive a letter from Dr Rayna to join him for dinner and they accept. Rayna explains over dinner that he has sent for petrol for their car but it would take a while.  Strange things begin to happen as Dr Rayna takes a liking to Marianne and everyone seems to forget her existence.  Can Gerald and Dr Zimmer save Marianne from the clutches of Dr Rayna and his vampire cult before she is turned into a vampire and joins the family of the undead?

Mind control from Vampires is used for the first time in which they can control the mind of potential vampires from a distance away.  The idea also that the vampires are killed from bats makes them seen more and more mortal than an impressive being.

This could have been influenced through the hanging of Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi general who paid for his crimes in the massacre of 6 million Jews.  This could have reflected the nature of the film due to the Nazi’s brainwashed the German population into believing the Jews were the problem with Germany and the idea of mind control is a key feature in this version of vampire films.

1967à The Fearless Vampire Killers

A famous professor and his assistant Alfred research vampires in Transylvania and Alfred falls in love with the inn keeper’s daughter Sarah.  When Sarah is captured by the Count and his gay son Herbert, the pair of scientists travel to the castle to rescue her and are invited to a ball which has dangerous consequences for them all.

This is the first time a gay vampire is used and the first male gay character used in films since the law was changed.  Also the idea of a ball to entice the vampire killers to the lair is a relatively new strategy directors used in order for their film to differentiate from the other Dracula and vampire films.  It is also the first time scientists are used as the main vampire killers but also the first time more than one vampire hunter is used.  It is also the first time that Gabriel Van Helsing or a character of his styling is used to hunt and kill the vampires and bring justice to all those who have been wronged.

In 1966, there was the first acid test carried out and Star Trek, the first episode, is aired in America titled ‘the Man Trap’.  Also the Satanic church is first started and this might have influenced a change in vampire films through the use of scientists battling the devil as it was widely believed that faith and science could deny or remove the presence of Satan.  Therefore as Dracula is a Satanic being the idea of faith and science defeating him conformed to popular beliefs of the time.  Also the 1967 Sexual Offenses Act allowed men to be homosexual in the privacy of their own homes.  Up until this point, any Gay men caught doing any homosexual acts in the public area or in private would be imprisoned.  This was a massive change and this was the first film to exhibit private homosexual relationships between two men and expressed attitudes towards gay men too.

1970à The Vampire Lovers

A general throws a party for his daughter, Laura’s birthday and the countess asks the general to take care of her daughter Marcilla whilst she is away.  Laura begins to have nightmares and becomes ill and dies and Marcilla comforts her in this time.  She then moves on and seduces Emma Morton and the same thing begins to happen to her… Can the general stop her in her new identity as Carmilla?

The lesbian vampire idea was first used in this film where the female vampire only kills female victims after seducing them.  The concept of revenge is a reoccurring theme however the idea of the vampire taking on a new identity to survive over the years is first introduced in this film.

As the vampires only kill the powerful and the rich in the films is could represent the attitudes American citizens had to the people in power putting the American troops in the Vietnam war which killed hundreds of troops.  The idea is further supported as the people were not being listened to and it suggests that the people would overthrow the American government if they didn’t do something quickly about the war.  Furthermore the attitudes to lesbians and female homosexual relationships were still rather relaxed so the exploration in the film of this implies how even though it is frowned upon, it was still accepted more than male homosexuality.

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