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Friday, 25 September 2015

Deconstruction of a Trailer: Suicide Squad (2016)

I have decided to conduct a deconstruction of the trailer for Suicide Squad. Within this, I will look at the mise-en-scene, sound used and camera shots and how these are interesting in a trailer.

  • 0:10-0:15 The different distribution companies are warn down and scratched, which could connote that the characters are warn down and battered, but are going to be re-used. The distribution companies also have the effect on them that they are being wound up like a toy. This could also be a metaphor for the characters as the police and government are winding up the criminals and using them like toys to fight against evil. 
  • 0:23-0:25 Panning establishing shot, showing the audience that the film is based around a prison which is then shown that the characters are prison inmates. The shot has very low key lighting relates to the darker undertone to the plot. 
  • 0:42-0:44 shots of police running and guns shooting which would suggest the genre of the film would be action. The shot also positions the audience to be against the police because the police is running towards the audience. This would show the audience that the film is about conflicts between the government and the people. 
  • 0:48-0:52 The voice over in this shot says,"Exactly, and if anything goes wrong we blame them.". This is an interesting way of talking about the characters, because the voice over doesn't explicitly say that she is talking about the prisoners, but because this shot accompanies the voice over, the audience can tell that she is speaking about them.
  • I think that this is a good technique that we should keep in mind when story-boarding and filming.
  • 1:03-1:08, when these shots of the female character begin, the music changes to a female voice singing slowly. This creates a sense of calm that would suggest that in this film, these are the people who are presented as the protagonists of the film. The music also presents a sense of sadness which would suggest that these characters have a past that has been full of sadness.

  • 1:40-1:43 The characters walk through the city together. The city seems to be in chaos, however the continuation of the slow music soundtrack could suggest that this is ordinary for them, to see the city in this way. 

  • 1:59-2:01 this title is written in a font that looks similar to some dirty metal, the same sort of style used for the production companies. The titles also seem to slowly zoom out while in shot, which gives the titles more of an impact. Also, the titles are very short, normally one word which also gives it more of an impact and so the audience doesn't have to read a lot. Short titles is something that we should keep in mind for our film.
  • 0:22-0:24 this shot shows a character that the audience can identify with looking like batman, a character that the audience of these types of films would recognize as the protagonist and a hero. However, he is on the top of the car that is shown to being driven by one of the protagonists of the film, suggesting that the character of batman is being perceived as a villain. This could unnerve the audience as they have always seen Batman shown to be the protagonist and hero.

  • 2:54-2:58, the soundtrack has ended by this point, which emphasizes the presence of the character of the Joker. The lack of non-diegetic sound makes his presence more dramatic and his speech clearer.
  • 2:59-3:00 The typography of the title of the film is consistent with the titles used throughout the trailer and the production company which ties them all in together. the "Q" of "SQUAD" has been manipulated to look like it has been vandilised, which could tie in with the theme and personality of the characters in the film

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